The Power of Storytelling (and Whole Foods) w/ Christina Igaraividez

Treyton DeVore
August 1, 2022

Christina Igaraividez is a creative who has trained in comedy across Chicago, New York and Los Angeles while getting recognition from outlets such as HuffPo, Perez Hilton, and LA Weekly.

She was a finalist for the Sundance YouTube New Voices Lab and has a strong passion for storytelling.

Most recently, she's the founder of Storypathy - a coaching business that helps others tell stories that make an impact. She's currently taking one-on-one coaching clients and offering workshops year-round for those who want to learn more on how to tell their authentic story for their business and how to use their story to get what they want in life.

This week's Money Matters:

How has storytelling had a positive impact on your life?

Storytelling has saved me over and over again from the biggest enemy of my life: myself. It has allowed me to find the thing we are all in search of - freedom. Freedom of self expression, self love and self confidence.

From improv shows to YouTube sketch comedy videos to stage Storyslams at The Moth, I have found that the act of writing, exploring and releasing my personal stories has given me the courage to take risks and chances that I otherwise wouldn't have taken and has made me comfortable with the idea of running head first towards "failure."

How can creatives use storytelling to build better businesses?

The act of taking the time to write stories from our life experiences helps us get closer to one of our biggest responsibilities as human beings - to know thyself. We gain clarity on who we are by understanding our true values and what is important to us based on the decisions and actions we have taken while facing adversity in our lives. And when we do this, our intentions become clear.

When our intentions are clear, we are able to have the confidence to show up to the world as we are. When we get vulnerable about our path to our business we show our audience what makes us unique and we allow them to FEEL something. When our audience feels something because of your story, we entice them to want to know more.

People buy into your story, not what you are selling. Our audience has an infinite amount of choices on reaching their own life goals but when we, as creatives show up with intentional clarity and transparency about the story of our business and journey and the constant choices we make to build it and sustain it, we spark something in our audience that shows them that they, too, can show up as their true selves and they too can relax into who they are as they achieve. And whenever we feel like "no one cares" or "I don't want them to know my failures" remember the act of sharing our truth also aligns with our greater shared life purpose: to serve and help others.

Use your story wherever possible - whether it's on social media, your newsletter, YouTube channel and/or website and challenge yourself to focus on what you think would best serve your audience vs. yourself. We tell our story through the language we use, by allowing our REAL personality to shine through (not what we think we should sound like), and by showing how we can make the lives of others less stressful. And we can only achieve this through practice.

Tell your story and tell it again. People will always need a reminder and the more you tell your story the more you open the opportunity for new potential clients. Remember your story will never be for everyone, but for those who it is really for, just imagine how their lives will be changed.

If you could give one piece of financial advice to yourself 10 years ago, what would it be?

You don't need to go out 5 times a week :) You CAN save just a LITTLE more.

(Bonus) What's your favorite thing to spend money on?

FOOD! Specifically, food that is good for you. As awful as this place is right now, I want to live to 120. And I truly believe that food is medicine, so I don't buy expensive bags, shoes or clothes but I will throw down at a Whole Foods.

Connect with Christina​​

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A 67-page, easy-to-understand breakdown of what you need to know about managing money as a freelancer or solo creative

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